PyPO User Manual
No Matches
Introduction To PyPO & Design Principles


PyPO is a Python package that simulates the propagation of electromagnetic field distributions using the equivalent surface current method which is a method belonging to the field of physical optics (PO). This allows for vectorial propagation of beam patterns between (off-axis) quadric and planar reflector geometries. On this page, we will outline the basic design principles of PyPO. We will discuss, from the bottom up, how the different software layers interact. The first section will describe the libraries powering PyPO. Even though these libraries are written in C/C++/CUDA, we will try to keep the explanation accesible. However, to fully appreciate the software structure of PyPO, basic familiarity with concepts such as C-type pointers is beneficial. The second section will focus on the bindings interface, which connects the libraries with the Python source code using the ctypes package. The third section describes how the Python software itself is structured.

Rock Bottom: The Bottom Layer

PyPO is powered by libraries written in C/C++/CUDA. Because the physical optics calculations are quite heavy, these are written in a compiled language. The reasons for choosing C/C++ are twofold:

  • The relative ease of interfacing C/C++ using ctypes,
  • our own familiarity with these languages. Because of the powerful computational abilities of current day GPUs, we have also written the libraries in CUDA. This version is orders of magnitude faster for PO than the parallel CPU version and we highly recommend running PyPO on a system which has acces to an Nvidia card. This does necessitate an Nvidia card and GPU implementations in other frameworks (e.g. Metal for Apple) are always a welcome addition.

The bottom layer takes care of the following tasks in PyPO:

  • generating reflector grids from inputs,
  • transforming ray-trace frames and PO fields and currents,
  • generating initial beam patterns for PO propagations,
  • generating initial ray-trace frames.

PyPO uses the CMake build system to compile the bottom layer into so-called dynamically linked libraries (.so on Linux, .dylib on MacOS and .dll on Windows). The reason for choosing CMake is the multi-platform compilation capabilities delivered by CMake. Instead of writing Makefiles for every platform, CMake takes care of this for us by writing its own Makefiles, depending on the operating system on which PyPO is built.

Binding It Together: The Middle Layer

To use the compiled libraries in PyPO we use the ctypes package, which is part of the Python standard library. The interface between the bottom layer and top layers of PyPO consists of data objects shared between the C/C++ layer and the Python layer. On the C/C++ side, these objects are defined as structs. On the Python side, we define classes that inherit from the ctypes.Structure base class. The C/C++ structs and Python classes, including all members, share the same name. In this way, ctypes exposes the data structures in both layers to one another. In general, it is preferrable to have one layer take care of all memory (de-)allocations. In PyPO, this role is given to the Python side. This is accomplished in the following way:

  • Python creates a pointer to a data structure on the Python side, i.e. a class inheriting from ctypes.Structure,
  • the structure is filled with the input necessary for the bottom layer to carry out the calculation,
  • Python also creates a pointer to a data structure which will act as the output container (and is thus left empty),
    • this ensures that sole ownership of pointers to input/output data structures lies with Python,
  • both pointers are passed along to the bottom layer using ctypes, where the bottom layer will do work. In essence, Python "shares" the input and output data structure with the bottom layer, while keeping ownership of the memory adresses.
  • When the calculation is finished, the output data structure is filled,
  • Python receives a signal that the bottom layer is finished and accesses the output data structure using its own pointer.
  • Python then copies the data from the output data structure to a PyPO data structure (see this page for more info on these PyPO data structures).
  • Finally, PyPO deletes the shared input and output objects and references and frees the heap memory used by these objects.
    • Caveat: during design, we tried to only use containers that destroy their own references upon leaving scope (such as std::array and std::vector) in the bottom layer. This was very much doable for the C++ code. However, because of the way CUDA memory operations work, we could not help but use raw pointers every now and then in the CUDA code. So the narrative that PyPO handles all (de-)allocation of memory is not strictly true since the CUDA code does some (de-)allocating of its own, in its own scope. It is still true though that for the mentioned input and output datatypes, PyPO handles (de-)allocation of the resources. So, for the sake of simplicity and because the CUDA (de-)allocations happen in the local CUDA scope, we will continue as if PyPO takes care of all (de-)allocations.

To summarise, we are using ctypes to expose the libraries so that we can call C/C++ methods from Python as if they were Python methods. For more information regarding ctypes, we refer to the ctypes documentation.

Getting There: The Top Layer

The top layer consists of Python scripts that do a whole lot of things. Here, the high level functionalities are defined, such as calculation of performance metrics, visualisation of optical systems and results, but also setting paths to custom input beam patterns and such. For an exhaustive list, we refer to the public API reference. The top layer also keeps track of everything that is going on in a simulation. It contains a nicely formatted logger, which can log miscellaneous information to the console. Also, the top layer is where the System is created, the interface through which PyPO is used.

The next tutorials in the PyPO fundamental tutorial set will dive deeper into how we can interact with the top layer.