PyPO User Manual
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Propagation< T, U, V, W > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Propagation< T, U, V, W >, including all inherited members.

farfieldAtPoint(V *cs, W *currents, const std::array< T, 3 > &point_target)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
fieldAtPoint(V *cs, W *currents, const std::array< T, 3 > &point_target)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
fieldScalarAtPoint(V *cs, W *field, const std::array< T, 3 > &point_target)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
parallelFarField(V *cs, V *ct, W *currents, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
parallelProp_EH(V *cs, V *ct, W *currents, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
parallelProp_EHP(V *cs, V *ct, W *currents, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
parallelProp_JM(V *cs, V *ct, W *currents, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
parallelProp_JMEH(V *cs, V *ct, W *currents, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
parallelPropScalar(V *cs, V *ct, W *field, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
propagateBeam_EH(int start, int stop, V *cs, V *ct, W *currents, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
propagateBeam_EHP(int start, int stop, V *cs, V *ct, W *currents, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
propagateBeam_JM(int start, int stop, V *cs, V *ct, W *currents, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
propagateBeam_JMEH(int start, int stop, V *cs, V *ct, W *currents, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
propagateScalarBeam(int start, int stop, V *cs, V *ct, W *field, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
propagateToFarField(int start, int stop, V *cs, V *ct, W *currents, U *res)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
Propagation(T k, int numThreads, int gs, int gt, T epsilon, T t_direction, bool verbose=false)Propagation< T, U, V, W >
threadPoolPropagation< T, U, V, W >
utPropagation< T, U, V, W >