PyPO User Manual
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Hybrid RT/PO Methods

This section contains a list of public PyPO methods which employ both ray tracing (RT) and physical optics (PO). More...


 PyPO.System.System.runHybridPropagation (self, hybridDict)
 Perform a hybrid RT/PO propagation, starting from a reflected field and set of Poynting vectors.
 PyPO.System.System.interpFrame (self, name_fr_in, name_field, name_target, name_out, comp=FieldComponents.NONE, method="nearest")
 Interpolate a frame and an associated field on a regular surface.

Detailed Description

This section contains a list of public PyPO methods which employ both ray tracing (RT) and physical optics (PO).

Function Documentation

◆ interpFrame()

PyPO.System.System.interpFrame ( self,
comp = FieldComponents.NONE,
method = "nearest" )

Interpolate a frame and an associated field on a regular surface.

The surface should be the target on which the input frame is calculated. The "name_field" should be an associated field, calculated in the same hybrid propagation as "name_fr_in".

name_fr_inName of input frame.
name_fieldName of field object, propagated along with the frame by multiplication.
name_targetName of surface on which to interpolate the field.
name_outName of output field object in target surface.
compComponent of field to interpolate. Instance of FieldComponents enum object.
methodMethod for the interpolation.
out Complex numpy array containing interpolated field.

◆ runHybridPropagation()

PyPO.System.System.runHybridPropagation ( self,
hybridDict )

Perform a hybrid RT/PO propagation, starting from a reflected field and set of Poynting vectors.

The propagation is done by performing a ray trace from the starting frame into the target surface. Then, the starting reflected field is propagated to the target by multiplying each point on the field by the phase factor corresponding to the travel length of the Poynting vector ray associated to the point on the field. Stores name of resultant field and frame in the internal association dictionary as two associated objects. The name of the association is the surface on which both the target frame and field are defined.

hybridDictA hybridDict dictionary.