CarrC1 | |
CarrC1f | |
CarrR3 | |
CarrR3f | |
CPyPO.Sellmeier.BK7 | Class for representing borosilicate crown glass (BK7) |
Cc2Bundle | |
Cc2Bundlef | |
Cc2rBundle | |
Cc2rBundlef | |
Cc4Bundle | |
Cc4Bundlef | |
Ccframe | |
Ccframef | |
►CException | |
CGUI.ParameterForms.simpleInputWidgets.EmptyFieldException | Exception to be thrown when empty field is encountered |
CGUI.utils.InputDescriptionError | Raised when an inputDescription is created incorrectly
CPyPO.Checks.ApertureError | ApertureError |
CPyPO.Checks.CurrentNameError | Current name error |
CPyPO.Checks.ElemNameError | Element name error |
CPyPO.Checks.FieldNameError | Field name error |
CPyPO.Checks.FrameNameError | Frame name error |
CPyPO.Checks.GroupNameError | Group name error |
CPyPO.Checks.HybridPropError | Hybrid propagation error |
CPyPO.Checks.InputPOError | Input physical optics error |
CPyPO.Checks.InputRTError | Input ray-trace error |
CPyPO.Checks.InputReflError | Input reflector error |
CPyPO.Checks.MergeBeamError | Merge beamerror |
CPyPO.Checks.RunPOError | Propagate physical optics error |
CPyPO.Checks.RunRTError | Propagate ray-trace error |
CPyPO.Checks.ScalarFieldNameError | Scalarfield name error |
CPyPO.Sellmeier.F2 | Class for representing Schott flint glass (F2) |
►Cfloat | |
CPyPO.Enums.Units | Enum types for units for display and conversion |
►Clogging.Formatter | |
CPyPO.CustomLogger.CustomFormatter | Class for formatting of the logging from the terminal |
CPyPO.CustomLogger.CustomGUIFormatter | Class for formatting of the logging to the GUI console |
CPyPO.Sellmeier.FS | Class for representing fused silica glass (FS) |
CGPODict | |
CGPODictf | |
CGRTDict | |
CGRTDictf | |
►Clogging.Handler | |
CPyPO.CustomLogger.GUILogger | Utility class for creating GUI loggers |
CGUI.ParameterForms.InputDescription.InputDescription | This data is fed into a form generator to be interpreted and to generate the form |
CMemUtils | |
►Cmetaclass | |
►CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.inputWidgetInterface | This is a base class for inputWidgets and should not be instantiated |
►CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.MetaCombinerSelectionWidget | Metaclass for selectionWidgetInterface because Python does not allow multiple inheritance |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.selectionWidgetInterface | Provides ground work for dynamic input widgets by forcing a selection widget te implement a selectionChanged method |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.selectionWidgetInterface | Provides ground work for dynamic input widgets by forcing a selection widget te implement a selectionChanged method |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.selectionWidgetInterface | Provides ground work for dynamic input widgets by forcing a selection widget te implement a selectionChanged method |
►Cobject | |
CPyPO.CustomLogger.CustomGUILogger | Class for instantiating a GUI logger |
CPyPO.CustomLogger.CustomLogger | Class for instantiating a logger object for the terminal |
CPyPO.PyPOTypes.frame | Structure for storing ray-trace frames |
CPyPO.PyPOTypes.reflGrids | Structure for storing reflector grids, area and normals |
►CPyPO.PyPOTypes.resContainer | Base class for EH fields and JM currents |
CPyPO.PyPOTypes.currents | Wrapper for making a currents object |
CPyPO.PyPOTypes.fields | Wrapper for making a fields object |
CPyPO.PyPOTypes.rfield | Class for making a real-vaLuad 3D object, used for Poynting vectors |
CPyPO.PyPOTypes.scalarfield | Structure for storing scalar fields and associated metadata |
CPyPO.System.System | |
CPyPO.Threadmgr.Manager | This class generates a threadmanager object |
CPropagation< T, U, V, W > | |
CRandom< T > | |
CRayTracer< T, U, V > | |
Creflcontainer | |
Creflcontainerf | |
Creflparams | |
Creflparamsf | |
CRTDict | |
CRTDictf | |
CRTRefls< T > | |
CScalarGPODict | |
CScalarGPODictf | |
►Cctypes.Structure | |
CPyPO.Structs.GPODict | Parameters for initializing a Gaussian PO beam |
CPyPO.Structs.GPODictf | Parameters for initializing a Gaussian PO beam |
CPyPO.Structs.GRTDict | Parameters for initializing a Gaussian ray-trace frame |
CPyPO.Structs.GRTDictf | Parameters for initializing a Gaussian ray-trace frame |
CPyPO.Structs.RTDict | Parameters for initializing a tubular ray-trace frame |
CPyPO.Structs.RTDictf | Parameters for initializing a tubular ray-trace frame |
CPyPO.Structs.ScalarGPODict | Parameters for initializing a scalar Gaussian PO beam |
CPyPO.Structs.ScalarGPODictf | Parameters for initializing a scalar Gaussian PO beam |
CPyPO.Structs.arrC1 | Two arrays representing a 1D complex array of double |
CPyPO.Structs.arrC1f | Two arrays representing a 1D complex array of floats |
CPyPO.Structs.arrR3 | Three arrays representing a 3D real array of double |
CPyPO.Structs.arrR3f | Three arrays representing a 3D array of floats |
CPyPO.Structs.c2Bundle | Twelve arrays representing two 3D complex arrays of double |
CPyPO.Structs.c2Bundlef | |
CPyPO.Structs.c2rBundle | Fifteen arrays representing two 3D complex arrays and one 3D real array of double |
CPyPO.Structs.c2rBundlef | Fifteen arrays representing two 3D complex arrays and one 3D real array of float |
CPyPO.Structs.c4Bundle | Twenty-four arrays representing four 3D complex arrays of double |
CPyPO.Structs.c4Bundlef | Twenty-four arrays representing four 3D complex arrays of float |
CPyPO.Structs.cframe | Container for storing ray-trace frames |
CPyPO.Structs.cframef | Container for storing ray-trace frames |
CPyPO.Structs.reflcontainer | Container for realised reflector grids and normals in double precision |
CPyPO.Structs.reflcontainerf | Container for realised reflector grids and normals in single precision |
CPyPO.Structs.reflparams | Reflectorparameters used by C++ backend, double precision |
CPyPO.Structs.reflparamsf | Reflectorparameters used by C++ backend, single precision |
CGUI.SubprocessManager.SubprocessManager | Manager for running functions in subprocess |
►Ctype | |
►CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.MetaCombinerInputWidget | Metaclass for inputWidgetInterface because Python does not allow multiple inheritance |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.inputWidgetInterface | This is a base class for inputWidgets and should not be instantiated |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.MetaCombinerInputWidget | Metaclass for inputWidgetInterface because Python does not allow multiple inheritance |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.MetaCombinerSelectionWidget | Metaclass for selectionWidgetInterface because Python does not allow multiple inheritance |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.MetaCombinerSelectionWidget | Metaclass for selectionWidgetInterface because Python does not allow multiple inheritance |
CUtils< T > | |
CUtils< V > | |
►CABC | |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.MetaCombinerInputWidget | Metaclass for inputWidgetInterface because Python does not allow multiple inheritance |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.MetaCombinerSelectionWidget | Metaclass for selectionWidgetInterface because Python does not allow multiple inheritance |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.inputWidgetInterface | This is a base class for inputWidgets and should not be instantiated |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.selectionWidgetInterface | Provides ground work for dynamic input widgets by forcing a selection widget te implement a selectionChanged method |
►CEnum | |
CGUI.utils.WSSections | Enum containing workspace sections
CGUI.utils.inType | Enum containing the possible types for an inputDescription |
CPyPO.Enums.AperShapes | Enum types for aperture object shapes |
►CPyPO.Enums.CustomEnum | |
CPyPO.Enums.CurrentComponents | These are special options that are used whenever a specific component of a field or current distribution is required |
CPyPO.Enums.FieldComponents | Enum types for electric and magnetic field components |
CPyPO.Enums.Projections | Enum types for projections on two axes for plotting purposes |
CPyPO.Enums.Dielectrics | Enum types for commonly used dielectrics for lens materials |
CPyPO.Enums.Modes | Enum types for units for setting scaling mode for quantities |
CPyPO.Enums.Units | Enum types for units for display and conversion |
►CFigureCanvasQTAgg | |
CGUI.PlotScreen.MplCanvas | |
►CinputWidgetInterface | |
CGUI.ParameterForms.formGenerator.DynamicDropdownWidget | Dynamic dropdown |
CGUI.ParameterForms.formGenerator.DynamicRadioWidget | Dynamic radio button |
CGUI.ParameterForms.simpleInputWidgets.ElementSelectionWidget | Implements a widget for 'many of many' type selection |
CGUI.ParameterForms.simpleInputWidgets.StaticInput | Input that cannot be edited by user |
CGUI.ParameterForms.simpleInputWidgets.VectorInput | Implements a single or multiple valued text edit |
CGUI.ParameterForms.simpleInputWidgets.XYZRadio | Implements an axes selector |
CGUI.ParameterForms.simpleInputWidgets.checkbox | Implements a checkbox input |
►CQDialog | |
CGUI.Dialogs.RemoveElementDialog | Dialog to be shown when trying to delete an element |
CGUI.Dialogs.SymDialog | Dialog to be shown during long calculations |
CGUI.Dialogs.UnsavedChangesDialog | Warning: unsaved changes |
CGUI.Dialogs.selfClosingDialog | Frameless dialog containing element options |
►CQLabel | |
CGUI.utils.MyLabel | |
►CQLineEdit | |
CGUI.utils.MyEdit | |
►CQMainWindow | |
CGUI.MainWindow.PyPOMainWindow | Contains the entire Gui |
►CQObject | |
CGUI.SubprocessManager.Waiter | QObject Waits until process is finished and emits a signal |
►CQPushButton | |
CGUI.utils.MyButton | |
►CQTabWidget | |
CGUI.WorkSpace.Workspace | Generate workspace widget for the GUI |
►CQWidget | |
CGUI.Accordion.Accordion | Class to implement an Accordion widget |
CGUI.Accordion.Accordion.AccordionSection | Define section of Accordion |
►CGUI.ElementWidget.ElementWidget | Defines elementWidgets form the workspace |
CGUI.ElementWidget.CurrentWidget | |
CGUI.ElementWidget.FieldsWidget | |
CGUI.ElementWidget.FrameWidget | |
CGUI.ElementWidget.GroupWidget | |
CGUI.ElementWidget.ReflectorWidget | |
CGUI.ElementWidget.SFieldsWidget | |
CGUI.MainWindow.MainWidget | Contains all inner GUI widgets |
CGUI.ParameterForms.formGenerator.FormGenerator | FormGenerator |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.MetaCombinerInputWidget | Metaclass for inputWidgetInterface because Python does not allow multiple inheritance |
CGUI.ParameterForms.inputWidgetInterfaces.inputWidgetInterface | This is a base class for inputWidgets and should not be instantiated |
CGUI.ParameterForms.simpleInputWidgets.XYZRadio.RadioSubWidget | |
CGUI.PlotScreen.PlotScreen | Plot widget for the GUI |
►CselectionWidgetInterface | |
CGUI.ParameterForms.simpleInputWidgets.SimpleDropdown | Implements a dropdown menu |
CGUI.ParameterForms.simpleInputWidgets.SimpleRadio | Implements a radio button selection widget, used for 'one of many' type selection |