PyPO User Manual
No Matches
Full Software Documentation
Here is a list containing the full software documentation. The structure of this page reflects the source code hierarchy.
[detail level 1234]
 BeamInit.hInitialize beam objects
 InterfaceBeam.cppImplementations for beam initialization interface
 InterfaceBeam.hHeader for beam initialization interface
 InterfaceReflector.cppImplementation of reflector objects
 InterfaceReflector.hHeader for reflector generation interface
 Transform.cppImplementations of transformations for frames and fields/currents
 Transform.hDeclaration of transformations for frames and fields/currents
 InterfaceCPU.cppImplementation of PO and RT library for CPU
 InterfaceCPU.hDeclarations of PO and RT library for CPU
 Propagation.hFunctions for PO calculations on CPU
 RayTrace.hFunctions for RT calculations on CPU
 Debug.hMethods for printing complex or real arrays of length 3 for GPU
 InterfaceCUDA.hDeclarations of PO and RT library for GPU
 Kernelsf.cuKernels for CUDA PO calculations
 KernelsRTf.cuKernel for CUDA RT calculations
 formData.pyThis file contains all forms used by the GUI for interaction with the user
 formGenerator.pyForm generator
 InputDescription.pyDefines an attr dataclass used to store the data of parameter forms
 inputWidgetInterfaces.pyDefines interfaces for input widgets to inherit from to ensure certain behavior
 simpleInputWidgets.pyProvides implementation of form inputs
 Accordion.pyAn implementation of an accordion component
 Dialogs.pyDefines dialogs for the GUI
 ElementWidget.pyDefines ElementWidget and its subclasses for the workspace
 MainWindow.pyDefines classes PyPOMainWindow and MainWidget
 PlotScreen.pyDefines a matplotlib plot widget that can be placed in the GUI
 SubprocessManager.pyContains the tools to run a function in a subprocess
 utils.pyContains utilities for the GUI
 WorkSpace.pyDefines the workspace widget
 GUtils.hLinear algebra functions for the CUDA version of PyPO
 MemUtils.hUtility class for CUDA memory allocations
 Random.hClass for generating random numbers
 RTRefls.hSimple reflector definitions used for PyPO ray-tracer
 Structs.hStructs used within PyPO
 Utils.hLinear algebra functions for the CPU version of PyPO
 BindBeam.pyBindings for the ctypes interface for PyPO
 BindCPU.pyBindings for the ctypes interface for PyPO
 BindGPU.pyBindings for the ctypes interface for PyPO
 BindRefl.pyBindings for the ctypes interface for PyPO
 BindTransf.pyBindings for the ctypes interface for PyPO
 BindUtils.pyUtilities for the ctypes interface
 Checks.pyFile containing all commonly used checks for PyPO user input
 Config.pyFunctions to set context for the logging and error checking
 CustomLogger.pyThis file contains class definitions of the custom logger objects used in PyPO
 Efficiencies.pyFile containing functions for calculating efficiencies and other metrics
 Enums.pyFile containing enum types for PyPO methods
 FitGauss.pyFile containing methods for fitting Gaussian distributions to field components
 MatTransform.pyTransformation formalism for PyPO
 MatUtils.pyFile containing a method for finding a connected subset, centered around a starting index, in a matrix
 PlotConfig.pyFile containing the definitions for plotting style
 Plotter.pyFile containing functions for generating plots
 PyPOTypes.pyDefinitions of PyPO data structures
 Sellmeier.pyFile containing classes representing dielectric materials commonly used in lenses
 Structs.pyDefinitions of data structures used in the ctypes interface
 System.pySystem interface for PyPO
 Templates.pyTemplates for commonly used PyPO dictionaries
 WorldParam.pySet global world parameters for PyPO